Easter Activities for Children
We've got you covered with a few of the wonderful projects our educators are exploring in centre, that you can try at home!

Don’t you just love Easter? Children love this holiday with its bright colours, cuddly bunnies and family fun. While Easter can be a sugar overload for children, we like to incorporate some fun games and activities which the whole family can enjoy. The Easter bunny originates in Germany; but here in Australia, we try to put an Aussie spin on this beautiful holiday with our native animals. Easter in Australia conjures up images of the chocolate bilby or wombat, fun games in the sunshine and some beautiful Easter decorations for your home.
Check out some of our eggcellent Easter ideas here…
Hanging Easter Eggs
Decorated trees are not just for Christmas, and can brighten your Easter festivities. Create an Easter egg tree using either blown eggs or plastic eggs, and ask your children to help decorate! To create your Easter tree, you can decorate a tree in the garden or use fallen twigs in a vase. You can use real eggs by pinpricking each end, blowing out the egg inside, then washing, or purchasing some plastic craft eggs from your local craft store. Decorate your eggs in beautiful bold and bright colours using textas, ribbon, paints, glitter, and sequins. To hang your eggs, fasten some ribbon or string to the top of your egg in a loop using a hot glue gun. What an eggcellent idea to brighten up your home this Easter!
Counting Egg Game
This Easter activity is perfect for children that are discovering numbers and learning to count. This Easter game also incorporates colour recognition and develops fine motor skills. Using some coloured card, trace out some egg shapes. In the top half, put in the number 1; draw a single dot in the lower half of the egg. Through the middle of the egg, draw a zig-zag pattern. Continue this for numbers 2, 3, 4, and so on, using different coloured cards each time. Using some child-safe scissors and supervising your child, help them cut these out, exercising their fine motor skills and hand and eye coordination. Once these are all cut out, jumble them up and encourage your child to reconnect them. This activity develops their fine and gross motor skills while understanding colours and numbers. Once these are cut out, your child needs to connect the broken eggs with the same colour and same number and dot counts. When all broken eggs are attached, they can count the numbers and say the colour. A perfect educational game for Easter!
Egg and Spoon Race
There are always family and friends get-togethers over the Easter holidays. Entertaining children during this time is easy with some fun Easter games. An egg and spoon race is an excellent excuse for the children to play outside and burn off energy. You can use real eggs, or if you prefer no mess; plastic craft eggs work just as well. This activity will exercise their gross motor skills, hand eye coordination, balance and muscle coordination. Using two hands on the spoon can assist children with their balance and getting their egg to the other side. You can increase the challenge for older children by adding obstacles to move around during the race.
Pin the tail on the Bilby
We all know the classic game of pin the tail on the donkey, and this activity is the same. You can choose to draw a bilby for an Aussie spin on this activity or use the image of the traditional bunny. Draw the outline of a Bilby or bunny on some cardboard or print one from the internet. Using white circle stickers or 'bunny tails', write each child's name onto the 'tail' to see how they finished in the game. This is a super simple activity to create at home for your next Easter gathering, and there will be a lot of laughs.
A Crafty Easter
Getting stuck into some Easter craft these holidays exercises your child's creativity and resourcefulness. Craft activities are a great sensory experience and improve a child's fine motor skills. You can create a simple bunny mask, using a paper plate for the face, pipe cleaners or string for the whiskers and textas or paints to make the perfect bunny face. There is also the classic Easter bonnet. Your whole family can get involved in searching for items around the house to create the most spectacular Easter bonnet. Be sure to finish this activity with an Easter bonnet parade!
These fun activities will put a smile on your child's face this Easter. Our list of easy go-to activities will keep your family busy while being active and working together. Enjoy some games or creative time, and be sure to have a Happy Easter! Stay tuned to Xplor to see which of these activities we explore in centre with your child.